The Artist’s Life
Here’s a list of blog posts that I’ve created to explore a wide range of topics important to the artist photographer in us all.
Showcasing fantastic travel destinations around the world these posts are designed to help you along your own, unique creative path through the art of photography.
To be inspired and learn more about photography simply click on a thumbnail image, or the post title directly underneath the thumbnail, to access one of my ‘The Artist’s Life’ photography posts.
I’m a passionate blogger and photography teacher working hard to make this site one of the world’s best travel photography blogs.
I update this site several times a week, so feel free to drop back regularly. And don’t forget to share what you like widely and wildly.
Having a great camera and plenty of lenses is fine, but what sets you apart and elevates your images from snapshot to art won’t be defined by the gear you use.
Phillip Walsh died tragically on Friday 3 July, 2015. Just 55 years of age, he was found dead, with multiple stab wounds to his body, at his family’s Somerton Park home in Adelaide, Australia, after being stabbed multiply times by his 26 year old son. Phillip’s wife, Meredith, was also injured in the attack.
Paris is a most beautiful city, full of romance and nostalgia. Yet it’s a very busy city with a population of over 11,000,000 people. Many people dream of living in Paris. But does Paris city living appeal to you? And would your life, ultimately, be better lived in Paris?
There are many unique and famous Australian icons that have been associated with Aussie culture. But how relevant are popular Aussie icons of the past to the fast changing demographics of Australian society and Australia’s place in an ever evolving world? After photographing famous Aussie icons I began to think on these questions and the relevance these icons hold to Aussie culture in our contemporary world.
Would you like to become a better travel photographer? I’ve been traveling and making photos, on six continents, since 1988. Along the way I’ve learned a great deal that has helped me become a better travel photographer.
Irish born AFL football star, Jim Stynes, died from Cancer at age 45 on March 20, 2012. Recognized as one of the game's greats, the significant sporting accomplishments and charitable work undertaken by Jim Stynes marks him as a truly great Australian.
Over the years my work as a photography teacher has brought me into contact with a lot of interesting and highly motivated people. Some try to forge their way in the commercial world of photography, others are happy to express themselves through a more personal, creative path.
A penguin climbs to the top of an ice covered hillside on Cuverville Island, Antarctica.
Your ancestry speaks to your background, but what relevance does that have to your current life, your worldview and your family legacy? I’ve discovered that the process of making really epic photos is a great way to explore one’s family legacy and, in doing so, help us determine our place in this world.
The popularity of the selfie has grown dramatically over recent years. My own experience creating self portrait photos, and the research I’ve undertaken into the selfie phenomena, convinces me that photographing yourself is an important process for the photographer to go through.
Your mindset determines your reality and pursuits like creative photography are as good for the mind as they are for the soul. Your photos document your journey through life, your own, unique worldview and how you perceive the experiences that unfold around you.
If you’re wondering how to live your best life you’re not alone. As a travel photographer I’ve witness truly amazing scenes and met many wonderful and inspiring people. My own quest to create beautiful, life affirming photos has forced me to confront the often debilitating effects associated with the art of perfection in my own creative life.
There are three words related to photography I hate. Sadly, these particular words are now part of the basic photography vocabulary commonly spoken by most photographers. Long ago I decided to replace these three ugly words with more positive alternatives when speaking or writing about photography.
We spend so much time and effort chasing success without having a clear idea of what it means to be successful. My own journey has taken me to a place where achieving a sustainable balance between financial needs, modest and attainable goals and a happy and healthy life is what I’m now moving towards as I manifest success in my own life.
Why is it that some photos strike a chord with our audience and why do some images transcend the reach of our usual audience and go viral? Many years of practical experience as a photography teacher and purveyor of fine art photography has contributed to the formation of my own viewpoint on this topic.
I dedicate the photos in this post to my uncle, Bill Gearon, who died in the city of Bendigo, Australia on 13 May 2013. He was 97 years of age.
Great subject matter makes for great photos. Here’s how I go about exploring both conventional and unconventional subject matter to make more emotive and visually dynamic photos.
What is subject matter in photography and how can you use composition to better define the subject in your photos? Many years of practical photography, and lots of research along the way, enables me to describe and illustrate this fundamental, yet quite profound image making consideration.
Has the COVID-19 pandemic caused you to delay your travel plans? I know I've rescheduled flights several times since 2020. Will you travel overseas during 2023?
Spectacular waterfall in Southern Iceland. What are your travel plans for 2021?
While life is full of challenges I was determined to discover how living a creative life would enable me to follow my bliss. I felt sure happiness would follow.
Morning light reveals the magnificent beauty of Huangshan (i.e., Yellow Mountain) in Eastern China.
Photographs have a life unto themselves. My explorations have determined that our best photos do far more than merely representing the world they depict.
Dramatic, low lying clouds above the sea in Northern Iceland.
Travel isn’t always easy. My adventures include good and bad travel experiences, adding to the richness of my life and giving me wonderful stories to tell.
The Bridge on the River Kwai is an historically important site that explores the atrocities committed during the construction of the Siam-Burma Death Railway. My own visit and subsequent research really opened my eyes to the horrors associated with that infamous railway line.
Have you ever heard the phrase everything old is new again? Let's explore that notion by looking back at my time playing in a surf band: The Swinging' Hi-Tones.
By exploring notions of subject and meaning in photography I’ve been able to progress to more expressive and creative image making. Here’s what I’ve discovered along the way.
Subject and meaning explored in this statue of a golden lion.
A dandelion, backlit by a warm sunset, by the banks of the Harcout Reserovir, Harcourt, Australia.
A view over the town of Ilulissat out over Disko Bay towards distant mountains, Greenland.
Huge wildflowers in lush green surroundings on the island of Bali, Indonesia.
I’ve long been drawn to the kind of uncommon beauty that most people pass by as they make their way through life. But whether I’m taking a walk in my neighbourhood or embarking on a photography adventure to exotic locations around the world, I’m always on the look out for uncommon beauty.