Finding Authentic Meaning in Life
Authentic meaning explored through an intimate travel experience on South Georgia Island.
The search for authentic meaning in life is a constant for the creative soul. Let's explore the meaning of authenticity.
Having trouble standing out from the crowd? Feeling the need to follow, rather than lead?
Throughout this post we’ll explore what authenticity means and how living an authentic and purpose driven existance is critical to your own life.
What’s the Meaning Of Authenticity
Before we progress any further it’s probably a good idea to explore the meaning of authenticity and the impact it can have on our creative life.
In relation to objects, art and music the term authenticity means that the article in question is of undisputed origin.
Something that’s considered genuine or the real deal is, by definition, authentic in nature.
As an aside an original is, most definitely, not a copy.
While original might refer to something as legitimate or being in it’s initial, unaltered state the word authentic could be used to describe one’s true nature or beliefs.
An authentic person is most certainly not a copy cat.
Possessing a strong sense of self awareness and the ability to stay true to oneself, over the journey, an authentic person sees no need to imitate anyone else.
As an analogy let’s head into the world of fashion and consider the quintessential little black dress.
The reason the little black dress has survived over the years is because its basic design and nature hasn’t been corrupted by the fashions of the day.
It’s been able to stand part from the whims and frequent changes within the world of fashion and, as a consequence, remains relevant and loved to this day.
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Synonyms for Authenticity
Looking for synonyms to act as alternatives for the word authenticity?
There are some particularly interesting synonyms for authenticity that come to mind, including the following:
Bona fide
Fair dinkum
What’s the Opposite of Authentic
To be inauthentic something is considered to be fake or spurious. They’re good examples of words that are the opposite of authentic.
Likewise something considered to be artificial, factitious, unnatural, concocted, bogus or deceptive could be considered the opposite of authentic.
Quotes About Authenticity
There are lots of inspirational quotes about authenticity, including these favorites.
“Only the truth of who you are, if realized, will set you free.”
“When you are authentic, you create a certain energy, people want to be around you because you are unique.”
“Be yourself, everyone else is taken.”
Authentic photo of hungry King penguin chicks tells the real story.
Authentic versus Original
What does it mean to be authentic? Being genuine and true to oneself is, to my way of thinking, far more important than being considered original or first across the line.
Likewise, being unique doesn’t have to mean that you’re totally different from everyone else.
There’s no doubt that, in both the online world and the world of professional photography, perception and branding are essential means by which you gain attention, repeat traffic and sales.
The trick is to be seen to be different from your competitors. But let’s be clear that you’ll still be using the same tools, techniques and platforms often in very similar ways to everyone else.
The key point of difference that allows you to stand out from the crowd is your own, unique vision which is influenced by your world view.
This is at the heart of living an authentic, creative life.
Commercially it’s important to be able to clearly define your brand and the products and services you offer.
But the most successful commercial photographers are actually fine artists and it’s the way they perceive the world around them that makes the work they produce unique and authentic.
Social media has demonstrated that the best way to differentiate yourself from the work of others is by being open and transparent about the work you produce and the experience of producing that work.
Sadly, this is not the way many so-called influencers operate. But social media is changing and I’m hopeful that the various social media platforms will find a way to better promote the work of truly authentic creators.
After all looking at people in big hats in exotic locales is neither a satisfying nor particularly positive experience.
People value honesty which leads to certainty and trust. And it’s around those concepts that we should strive to build our online following.
Work hard, strive to go the extra mile and deal with your customers and audience in an honest and respectful manner.
Most important of all is the need to stay focused and consistent in your efforts. Don’t give up!
The rest will look after itself.
Authenticity Statement
Have you ever purchased a product, like a fine art print, that comes with its own Statement Of Authenticity?
The idea behind such a statement is to add value to the product by imbuing the print with a greater sense of authenticity and, as a consequence, value.
There’s value in being different and a statement of Authenticity is one way by which you can differentiate the prints you sell from those offered by other photographers.
Differentiating yourself is important for these reasons:
It makes you unique
Allows you to dominate a niche
To be selective with the customers with whom you choose to work
Allows for a higher end line of products and services
Enables you to charge higher prices
But, as you know, while money can lead to financial independence, it's not enough to sustain the soul.
Personal satisfaction is the result of creative freedom, dedication to your craft and your ability to finish and share your artwork with a wider audience.
Crafting Authentic Pictures
When it comes to crafting authentic pictures it’s important to approach your creativity as you should your life.
Living without passion is not living, at least not the way life should be lived. Right!
The ability of the photograph to illicit an emotional response is as strong and relevant today as it was one hundred years ago.
That's powerful and the photos you make are important. They allow you to explore your creativity through the production of positive, life affirming images that give voice to that creativity.
A natural consequence of paying attention to your creative self will be the production of more personal, authentic photography.
Cultivate Your Authentic Self
Finding your authentic self can be a challenge if you’ve failed to pay attention to it over the years.
An authentic person is confident in themselves and their ability to realize their vision.
But a truly confident person recognizes the need to embrace their vulnerability and be transparent and honest with themselves and others.
Please don't underestimate your ability to influence others and bring joy into the lives of folks all around the world.
To be true to oneself it’s essential to live life according to the needs of your true inner voice.
For creative folks the need to produce art or craft that’s faithful to their genuine self is critical.
Authentic people have no need to seek attention or significance. They live life ensuring that their words and actions are congruent with their beliefs and values.
But they’re open to change and allow themselves to be vulnerable so as to challenge and evolve their own world view.
We all need to experience a sense of significance in our lives, but it’s more important to live a life of contribution and purpose.
Sadly there’s no shortcuts to authenticity and you won’t get there by trading your authenticity for approval.
Ultimately, authenticity is about being true to oneself.
The stories you tell are determined by how you approach your photos.
Your Photos and The Stories You Tell
Photography provides the author with a powerful means of story telling. It informs, educates and encourages action.
But, unlike cameras, photographers are not machines. We are creative souls and we utilize our camera's to record our response to the world around us.
It is impossible to remain unbiased. The notion of producing photos without bias is a myth that’s too often associated with photojournalism and documentary photography.
Every decision that goes into the making of a photograph is made by an individual, creative being.
When photographing this waddle of gorgeous King penguin chicks I decided that a more emotive image would result by carefully focusing on the front chick and employing a very shallow depth of field to deemphasize the other chicks in the group.
That simple action determines where you’ll spend most of your time when viewing this image.
While the eye will wander around the image, it will be drawn back to the sharpest part of the photo.
By concentrating attention on the primary penguin’s eye I’ve ensured that the character of that chick is emphasized.
I’ve heightened mood and intensified the visual and emotional impact of the image.
“I believe our photographs have the power to heal the world, one photo at a time.”
There’s a lot that goes into a photograph. We might express that as, for example, 1/125 second and your life thus far.
Up until the moment when you release the camera’s shutter there’s a great deal that impacts on the images you create.
Your background and life’s experiences
Your technical skills
Composition aptitude
Aesthetic judgements
We all make photographs differently so it follows that when photographing a subject, location or event the story your photographs tell are dependent upon your own individuality at least as much as what’s in front of your camera’s lens.
They are, after all, your photographs. Make sure they showcase your own world view, from conception through to completion.
Living an Authentic Life
Living an authentic life requires courage. In particular the courage to be yourself.
Authentic people are driven by the need to live their lives through authentic experiences.
I'm thinking of Richard Gray a film director and producer who lives his passion, each and every day.
The motion picture industry is fickle, it’s tough and it’s not for the faint-hearted.
In addition to talent making a film requires enormous energy, skill and dedication. It can take years for a project to be realized.
Frankly there’s very few guarantees along the way that the film will be made, let alone welcomed by an audience.
But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t aim high. After all, you won’t get very far in life without goals and the drive required to reach them.
Simply start everyday by putting your pants on, one leg at a time. After that just remain true to yourself and get on with it.
Stay focused and keep ticking off those jobs that move you towards your final goals.
Invest your energy into what will move you towards your goals and ensure your interactions with others reflect you true, authentic nature.
The rest, as they say, should look after itself.
Be Authentic in all You Do
To be authentic your work needs to be driven by passion, rather than having to work to support your quest for a few hours of creative freedom every week.
That’s nuts, and there’s no point pretending otherwise.
I’m sure we’ve all had to talk the talk, once or twice, along the journey. But rather than pretending to be something you’re not it’s important to explore your creatively as a way of discovering who you actually are.
You see who you are is what makes you unique.
Granted it might need to be rediscovered, polished and presented in a way that makes sense to others.
“Photography can be the means by which you can, finally, meet yourself. And I think that meeting is at the heart of life’s great journey for the artist photographer.”
Nonetheless, your personality and your own, unique way of seeing the world are important. They deserve attention and the opportunity to project outwards into the world around you.
Being authentic requires you to listen to and nurture that voice inside you, each and every day.
By doing so your true, authentic self will surely emerge.
Strive To Be Genuine And Authentic
The advice I’d give any aspiring photographer is to be genuine and authentic in all you do.
No one else sees the world quite the same way you do. That’s your primary point of difference. It's what makes you unique and the images you make important.
Immerse yourself in what you do, both at work and at play. Interact deeply with communities and appreciate that, before understanding, we first need to listen without feeling the need to speak.
That might well be a lesson in life that won’t go unnoticed at the next dinner party.
“Your photography is a mirror of your true inner self, reflecting who you are and your own, individual worldview.”
It seems to me that in order to live a purpose driven and meaning rich life we need to love those around us and the work that we do.
And the best way to love others is to first love yourself.
But it’s also worth noting that you can’t have real love without respect.
Is it time you started respecting yourself and appreciating the value you bring to the work you do and the relationships you form?
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