While life is full of challenges I was determined to discover how living a creative life would enable me to follow my bliss. I felt sure happiness would follow.
Read MorePhotographs have a life unto themselves. My explorations have determined that our best photos do far more than merely representing the world they depict.
Read MoreTravel isn’t always easy. My adventures include good and bad travel experiences, adding to the richness of my life and giving me wonderful stories to tell.
Read MoreThe Bridge on the River Kwai is an historically important site that explores the atrocities committed during the construction of the Siam-Burma Death Railway. My own visit and subsequent research really opened my eyes to the horrors associated with that infamous railway line.
Read MoreHave you ever heard the phrase everything old is new again? Let's explore that notion by looking back at my time playing in a surf band: The Swinging' Hi-Tones.
Read MoreBy exploring notions of subject and meaning in photography I’ve been able to progress to more expressive and creative image making. Here’s what I’ve discovered along the way.
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