How To Build A Photography Portfolio

How To Build A Photography Portfolio
1 hour session AUD $77 (incl. GST)
Produce a Visually Dynamic and Cohesive Portfolio
- I'II help you reduce your images down to a more focused series
- We'll look at what you do well
- Where you can improve and, ultimately
- What it is your photos are about
Feel free to Contact Glenn Directly to discuss options that best suit your needs.
My Recommendation
However, even for a generalist, the genre specific approach is probably best. Perhaps you could bring your best 30 landscape images to our session. With what you learn you may be able to repeat the process on your own with, for example, your portrait photos. This approach would allow you to post a variety of different portfolios on your website, blog or social media platforms.
How to Submit
Once the session has been booked and paid for I’II send you a link to a special folder, with your name on it, that I’II create for you on either Google Drive or Dropbox. You won’t even need an account with Google or Dropbox to upload copies of your photos in this way. The process is free.
I’II accept either full resolution JPEGS or, for faster upload and download speeds, you might like to prefer to send copies of the images (but only if it’s easy for you to do so) as follows:
- Landscape Orientation: 2,048 pixels for the longest edge
- Portrait Orientation: 2,048 pixels for the shortest edge
- PPI/DPI: 72
This Is What I’II Do For You
- My first job will be to quickly and efficiently reduce your selection of up to 30 images down to a number something like 12 to 15 images.
- I’II then make suggestions as to how to organize (i.e., order) this reduced selection of images to produce a superior presentation.
- We can use this final selection of images to discuss what it is you’re doing well, what you can work on into the future and, ultimately, what your work is really about.
Session Duration - 60 Minutes
This very special portfolio building and review is conducted over a 60 minute time frame. Prior to paying for this session please reserve a time slot, from the options available, on my calendar. (I'II post a link for you to do this over the next few days(. I’II hold that session for 24 hours after you’ve selected it during which time you can forward payment.
Please Note - Google Hangouts
The session will be conducted via Google Hangouts. It's a fabulous service which is completely free and very straightforward to use. However to use Google Hangouts you first need to create a Google plus account. That's also easy and completely free. I'll add links to simple tutorials that will show you how to sign up for a Google plus account and how to set up Google Hangouts onto your computer shortly.
The cost of the 60 minute session is USD $50, payable in advance, via the following link.
The Portfolio Building and Review session is a very rewarding and highly informative process. One that I’m sure you’ll enjoy enormously. If you have any questions please feel free to Contact Me directly.