Creative Arts Offer Creative Solutions
A lovely, tree-lined path adjacent to the Melbourne Museum under late afternnon winter's light. Image made with the Sony a7R II camera and Sony/Zeiss 24-70mm f4 lens.
The creative arts allows us to heal ourselves and to heal the world. Your photos can act as creative solutions that matter.
The actions you take in life and the intentions that underpin those actions can make a real and worthwhile difference to the lives of others.
The Creative Arts Provides A Path Through Life
It’s through creative art of photography that I’ve found my own path through life.
I work with artistic people and, as a teacher of photography, folks often express to me their inner doubts about their own creativity, value and self worth.
I’m of the belief that we all make our own reality.
We may not always be able to control what happens to us, but we are the only ones who can determine what reality we create from the circumstances we find ourselves in.
I believe a more positive, hopeful perspective will allow us to do the following:
Determine how we feel about the situation we’re currently in
Better control the outcome of that situation
Ensure there is less likelihood of moving ourselves towards such difficult situations in the future
While our attitude determines how we frame our own life, creative arts like photography allow us to find meaning and purpose through the creative expression of our experiences in life.
A red barrier provides a splash of vibrant color in this otherwise black and white photo of Web Bridge in the Docklands precinct of Melbourne, Australia.
The Trouble With Traditional Education
How is it that they don’t teach this stuff in school?
Are we here simply for this realization to reach us on our death bed?
Is this what life is about?
More and more folks are realizing the need to pull back from the madness that surrounds us.
The emptiness of 10 minute news cycles
The pettiness and shallowness of many relationships
The need to win at all costs
No wonder we allow poverty, domestic violence and insanity to breed largely unchecked and unmanaged in our society.
We don’t even think to change our state (mind and body) to arrive at an almost instant and far more hopeful perspective.
What’s the point of being in the developed world when we can’t even look after our own wellbeing, let alone that of those around us?
An example of the spectacular stained glass windows in St. Mary's Catholic Church in Hamilton, Australia.
Finding Creative Solutions To Our Problems
I live in Melbourne, Australia and am appalled to see the growing number of beggars and homeless folk. We can all do more, but it particularly upsets me to see folks sleeping rough outside churches.
Surely there are creative solutions to this significant problem that are not beyond a first world nation like Australia.
There was an historical figure who lived around 2,000 years ago. He represents different things to different people, but it’s commonly accepted that he lived at that time.
How do you think he would feel about a major religious institution locking it’s doors at night while the poor and destitute try to sleep on the doorstep?
After spending a couple hours cleaning up after torrential rain, I can tell you the weather is particular difficult in Melbourne today.
Surely it costs nothing to open the doors. If you’re worried about the furniture, then you’re worried about the wrong things.
Has the church also lost their way and departed from their true purpose? Where are our leaders, where are the risk takers offering creative solutions to societies problems?
Sunrise on a stormy morning at Whisky Bay in Wilsons Promontory National Park, Australia.
Those words are harsh and, I now realize, somewhat naive.
There would be items of significant value (financial, historical and spiritual) in many churches and those items must certainly be protected.
Still, I can’t help but wonder about adjoining church halls and how they could be put to use to shelter the displaced in our community.
I recently became aware of a church that opened its doors to homeless people only to experience theft, vandalism and concerns for the safety of some of its elderly parishioners.
As I say I was naive.
However, I suspect the lesson to be learned is that, these days, generosity needs to be balanced with discipline and managed by professions.
That means significant support from charities, social workers and law enforcement. Needless to say there has to be zero tolerance when it comes to drugs, alcohol and violence.
If government, religious organizations and charities got together there would always be enough shelter, security, food and counseling for the less fortunate among us.
It can’t be that hard and yes it should be paid for by the rest of us.
It’s the lack of planning and the inability of our leaders to bring meaningful change to our world that disappoints me the most.
And we are responsible for the leaders we vote into office.
A beautiul image of tree branches on the surface of Barkers Creek Reservoir during the afterglow near Harcourt, Australia.
The Creative Arts As A Vehicle Of Change
What can you do? Speak your mind and take action.
Baby steps lead onto more urgent and more deliberate action. And, as many have discovered, when you march you find your voice.
But marching isn’t for all of us.
As creative beings we are in a unique position to use our art as a vehicle for change.
Simply by helping to fill the internet with positive, life affirming words and images you'll be helping to bring about change in the minds of others.
Our thoughts determine our actions and change starts with one deed, one kind word or one photo.
For those of us who doubt our own creativity the answer is simple. Stop thinking such negative thoughts and put that energy into something worthwhile that will benefit others.
Put simply, you create the world you live in through your thoughts and actions.
About To Travel?
The Creative Process is not Written In Stone
When it comes to digital photography it doesn’t cost anything to push your camera’s shutter release button.
On the desktop the fact that you can undo, redo and delete means you’re not writing anything in stone. It’s virtual and it's now an essential part of the creative process for photographers.
You are not your worst thoughts, so why let them control you.
Free yourself from this debilitating notion and the power your conscious mind has over you.
Say yes to creativity and just get on with living the life you were meant to live.
A purpose driven and meaning rich existance awaits those that seek creative solutions to their problems and the problems of others.
A lovely, luminous portrait of a young man seemingly day dreaming.
Dreams Are Important, But Action Is Better
Remember that the inner artist needs space, quiet and room to breathe and to dream.
Dreams lead to plans, but plans can become an albatross without decisive action.
It’s all about fostering a synergy between the right and left sides of your brain, and allowing your intuition to guide you along the path.
The left side of your brain is like your geeky friend. Value that friend and reward them for fixing your computer. It will make both of you feel better.
But don’t spend your life in that space when there’s so much more waiting for you on the other side of the fence.
Believe me the grass is always greener where creativity resides.
Failing to find your own true purpose in life is, to my mind, the ultimate failure. It is, after all, why you’re here.
Creative Solutions - Where To Start?
So how best to start the journey towards a more creative life?
The best cure for doubt, fear and lethargy is action. And it all starts with getting up and getting out.
Want to travel the world? Start by taking a walk around the block.
You’ll be amazed at how action leads to a change of perspective and opens the door to a whole world of positive, life-changing experiences.
The world is a big place, but you don't have to travel more than a few steps out your door to begin to commune with the sublime.
Trust your intuition
Learn to go with the flow
Discover the child within
That’s where you’ll find your creativity, your inspiration and your passion for life. It’s where meaning and purpose live. And that’s where you need to live as well.
The world needs you almost as much as you need to find yourself. Take action and be who you were born to be.
My prescription for a better life is as follows:
Heal yourself
Heal the world
I believe that it’s through the creative arts that so many of life’s problems can be solved.
I wish you well on your own journey through life and hope you find the creative solutions you need to live a life of purpose and meaning.
Happiness will surely follow.
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